**** So I started making my own laundry detergent and fabrice softner to save money and get to a more basic approch of life. We trying to make as much of home cleaner and cooking stuff ourselves. Its been fun and it feels good. I take one day a month to make my cleaners and I get my daughter in on it to. I want to teach her to make for herself. I want her to understand the basics of things and that you dont have to buy everything commercial. I want her to learn to be a good little wife and mother. Not like some of these other kids these days who dont have or will ever have a clue as to makeing due with what they have and probley wont learn how to clean up after themselves till after collage if even they are out on there after collage. So we make it fun . She makes the softner all on her own. She measures everything out and watches the bubbly combanation or the baking soda and vinigar as it rises to the top almost over flowing. She grates the for the detegent for me and measures out the dry stuff and the water and I handle the hot pans. We also make hand soap for the pumps out of bar soap. We liquify it to make it last for a month or more in the pumps. I have to say suprisingly the soaps and stuff we make are great. they work great. And It dosnt take much time to do with a lil help from a lil one. I would say an hour oce a month and thats it. I also mix up my all purpose cleaner that day and that just viniger and water. It feels so good to be saveing money and doing good for my family . Every house wife should try this out. Now I have busy cooking homecooked meals also. And getting my daughter in on most of it if she has time. She spends more time on the Easy bake than helping me but I try to get her in on as much as I can. Cooking is defnitly something I want her to grow up takeing pride in for her family and herself. I have had her helping me sice she could stand on a chair at the counter. And she was watching way before that . i always had her on my hip at the stove. Its more of a gft to pass on to you kids especialy your daughters . So I have been posting and keeping up with some blogs for a while now and I cant seem to get any followers. Dont know if maybe I have nothing good to say or what . I was hoping to do some contest and giveaways by now but I have only 2 followers. I would like to at least get 50 before I do anything. I am going going to be posting alot more. I hope to have a few tutorials on things. If anyone has any advice please let me know.
Hey, I'm pretty new to the blogging world too. I try to comment whenever possible(to receive more feedback for myself) and I joined SITS. Are you a member? If not you should look them up. http://www.thesitsgirls.com/
I have a new blog about my home too. Come by and say howdy... www.rachelthedutchess.blogspot.com
I make my own detergent too....I LOVE it! I will probably never buy commercial detergent again!!
Hey, I'm pretty new to the blogging world too. I try to comment whenever possible(to receive more feedback for myself) and I joined SITS. Are you a member? If not you should look them up.
I have a new blog about my home too. Come by and say howdy...
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