Holly Happy Homemaker

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

First Contest !

Well as part of my return to blog world I am having my first ever contest. I had been waiting to get some more followers but I just don't wanna wait anymore.
So here gos..
~ Contest starts Today June 30th and ends July 10th.
~ You must be a follower by that date and meet all other requirements.
~ You must send me a message on this blog post letting me know you want to enter.
~ Let me know what you would like to see in my blogs.
~ You must recommend your favorite blog so others can hop on over and check it out.
~ For every person you recommend my blog that becomes a follower and enters the contest I will enter you name for every person on top of your original entry.
~ On July 10 I will draw a name the old fashion way . Write all names on paper and draw from a hat. I will post it the following day and you will have 30 days to confirm and give delivery info.

Prize will be a surprise !

Coming soon !
I will be having a back to school Contest for you and your kids. This is a contest my daughter and I will be working on together and she will be helping me with a back to school blog . Look for details coming soon.

look for a blog on the launch of my candy company! Specializing in old fashion homemade Hard tack candy. Its Called K-Town Kandy ! That blog comes with a yummy sweet treat.

the long absents

Over the past month or so my family and have been dealing with some heart breaking and stressful situations that threatened the values and core of my marriage and family dynamics. Things have happened that I feared but thought would never happen in my family . My post as happy homemaker was temporarily put on hold while I dealt with the inner turmoil of life's great challenges. I needed to take the time away to rethink, regroup, and make hard possibly life changing decisions for my family. Now at the end of that nasty chapter in my families life we are together and recharged to make sure our family stays together happy and strong. We are taking the necessary steps to make sure nothing can tear the family apart again. The time I took away from Holly's blog was missed and I am so happy to be back and have a fresh start. I feel that with the latest challenges I will have a lot more wisdom and great advice. I have lessons learned and new outlooks and a new found stronger appreciation for being a stay at home mom and being a housewife. Now that some priorities have been reevaluated and set I will have more time to do more thorough blogs more often and have the time respond to comments and messages.
As part of my return I am going to do a drawing for some great goodies.
I will be posting the blog on that later today . So keep your eyes out for it and don't forget to tell a friend about Holly happy homemaker !