let it snow let it snow let it snow

This morning I heard clarabelle get up and start getting ready for school and all the sudden I here her feet stomping fast tward my room and she trys so hard to stay quiet so she wouldnt wake daddy . She was beaming from ear to ear and said the ground was coverd in snow. I gave her a thumbs up and she ran out. I rolled out of bed about 10min later and the house was still dark. I called out to her and she was all ready for school sitting in the window. How sweet. It was so pretty to watch the snow softly fall from the sky . I brushed her hair while we watched the snow. I hate snow lol. well I did anyways. I hate cold wether for sure but the past year or so I have realy enjoyed the snow. It puts me in the mood for the season ahead. Kinda hoping we get some snow this weekend for the Down Town Open house. We go every year to kick of the season. We shop and have cookies and enter all the drawings. We see santa and take a carriage ride. I do a little shopping for my daughter when shes not looking. We spend all day walking and looking and I always end up crying a few time just because I feel so happy and warm. I feel so gratfull. Thanksgiving and xmas always do that to me. Sometimes I get so excited I squeel so much I cry with happyness. My hubby makes fun of me and my daughter clarabelle rolls her eyes and says mom dont cry. I think this weekend I will take some pics and try and post them. Chillicothe realy is a great town. A great place to raise a family. Well I am off to scrub the house and fold laundry. And take some time to stop and watch the snow layer the ground.